
Monday, May 05, 2014

SBCC Manhattan Trouser: pattern review

It's Sewing Indie Month!  I'll be participating more officially later this month, but in preparation, I wanted to do a full-run through with one of the patterns, the Manhattan Trouser by Skinny Bitch Curvy Chick.  The pattern is suggested to be sewn in a stretch woven, and I had this drop-dead gorgeous Nanette Lepore fabric from Mood (no longer available--wah!), and well, one thing led to another and now I have some pretty crazy pants.  Crazy awesome, I say!  And crazy comfortable and well fitted, too!

I have to say, I'm always very skeptical of pants patterns, so I made a true muslin before cutting into my Nanette Lepore, in a straight size 4.  The fit was pretty good to start, though a bit shorter rise overall than I prefer, so I added about 1/2" in both the front and back rise.  I can't lie, even after the muslin and fit adjustments, up until the point at which I sewed on the waistband, I was pretty worried. But with the waistband in place, they fit beautifully!  Bravo, SBCC!
The original pattern has the front slash pockets, but I added welt pockets in the back for good measure. I'll be posting a full tutorial and pattern for these welt pockets later in the month.
Matching up the pattern didn't go quite as well as I had hoped for the welts, but I learned a lot!
I always have trouble sorting through fly zipper instructions, and this was no exception, but I managed to figure it out and it looks pretty darn good, if I do say so myself!
My husband was a little taken aback when he finally saw the pants I had been talking about, "That's the fabric?  You're going to wear those?" but I proceeded to point out that Boden has a slim-legged "bistro crop pant" in an even crazier print (check out the pink geometric print!). Isn't loud and obnoxious print the new black? No? Well, regardless, I need to find (or make!) more tops to go with these lovelies!

Resewlution 2014: May garment #1 


  1. These pants look great! I want to test that pattern..Never made pants before, because.. well, the very thought freaks me out!

    1. Give it a try! Nothing to lose, except a little fabric :)

  2. Impressive indeed. Nothing like a bit of crazy pants to get the husbands attention I say!

  3. These pants are amazing! They look great on you - great fit and excellent construction. I love them and I hope you enjoy wearing them!

    1. I actually haven't worn them yet--I may debut them at a party this weekend though. I'll have to work on my strut, to at least make it look like I'm confident!

  4. Anonymous6:53 AM

    Cool! I've been loving SBCC patterns though I haven't tried yet.. These pants look so good and tempting!

    1. I'm pretty impressed with these pants (nearly done with a second pair!), and I'm going to try a blouse soon. I love that SBCC patterns are made for petites!

    2. I am noticing all the petite talk her... does the pattern come in regular sizes to??

    3. The patterns are predominantly for petites, but there are locations on the pattern where you can lengthen for "normal-sized" people! For these pants, I didn't notice a rise-lengthening location, so I just cut above the crotch-curve (whatever that is really called!).

  5. Oh, this trouser sewing pattern looks like a good one! For sure on my buying list...

  6. Wow, those pants are awesome! I admire your attention to detail and execution. I share your enthusiasm for wild prints. I say this as i wear my long shorts made with fabric i nicknamed "safari through Africa", in which the most care was taken to make sure i didn't end up with a bird nest print in my derriere... Ok maybe I took it too far....
    Love your blog

    1. It is important to consider the placement of crazy motifs when you opt for the wild prints! I specifically have the print of these pants going in a particular direction to avoid looking like I was covered in fish scales!

  7. I love this print! What a super cool pant! Also I'm so psyched to see this pattern reviewed; as a super shorty, I've had my eye on it...

    1. Do watch out for the rise--a muslin is a must for pants!

  8. I have been stalking the internet for a review of this pattern for months! Thanks for putting this up.

    1. You are welcome! There are a few small typos in the directions, but I emailed Betsy at SBCC, and she's taking care of them. Other than that, it's a great pattern!

  9. what Ngoc said! i open the pattern every few weeks and think "is this the moment? thanks for trying em out for us. They're super cool!!

    1. Go for it! They are a nice, sleek style, with some high quality construction details.

  10. FABULOUS! I adore this print. It's the perfect fabric for pants!!! And what is it with fitting pants?! You just nevah know for sure until the waistband is on, and by then any adjustments needed are such an effort to do! These fit you like a dream, so hang onto that pattern! Can't wait for the welt tutorial...welt pockets just make pants look so professionally made!

    So, again, me here living under a rock. I've been hearing bits about Indie sewing month. Gosh, there is so much going on and I'm pretty new to all this sewing along. Where do I go to get caught up, although, I don't really have more than a couple of Indie patterns, hmmmm...

    1. The welt-pocket tutorial is coming soon! I have to finish a top to make the full outfit, and then I'll post the tute! Thanks!

  11. Wowee! The pattern looks perfect and I agree the welts were a needed addition. Awesome fit and the print is crazy-cool but I suspect you'll wear it well!

    1. Welts are a go-to for me--I always need a little something to break up the wide expanse in the back :) I'm a little nervous to wear them out; I'll have to work on my look of confidence before venturing out the door!

  12. Oh wow!!! I was searching for examples of this pattern sewn up, and yours are AWESOME! With a cute black top, they won't even be "loud." Fantastic.

    1. Thank you! Crazy enough, I don't have a black top to go with it, so I'm on the hunt!

  13. Your pants turned out awesome! They are a perfect base for a print. I made myself a pair in a brocade-esque printed cotton. My boyfriend asked me if I was going to wear them out- yes! Just doesn't get it...thanks for the glowing review :)

    1. Oooh...brocade! What a great idea! I love that the pants only use a scant 1.5 yards--you can splurge a little more on the fabric! Thanks for the great pattern!

  14. Oh this is just the most adorable pattern. I see these in my future...and I love your fabric choice!

    1. They are pretty great--I can see making them in all sorts of wonderful fabrics in the Fall!

  15. Does this pattern allso cover the larger size range, for example a size 12-14?

    1. The pattern does go through size 16, but as with all pattern companies, the measurements are a bit different, so I would check to see which size your measurements correspond to. Good luck!

  16. They're fab! I made these pants in a brown moleskin in Feb, and now they look really dull next to yours! ��

    1. But I'm sure they are infinitely more versatile than mine! And I can't wear these too often, since they're so noticeable!

  17. These pants are amazing!! I love the print. Colorful pants are so fun!
