
Saturday, May 10, 2014

Me-Made-May round up

Well, I didn't do a first week round-up since it was a measly 3 days, so this is a week+2 days compilation!  I've surprised myself and have worn something me-made every day so far.  Woohoo!

May 2: Volunteering in the 3rd grade class (we made berry parfaits!)
Skirt: handmade, with linen.  This skirt is so old, it predates this blog!  It's a "15 minute skirt", with a plain muslin lining and foldover elastic at the top.
Blouse: RTW (Ann Taylor Loft)
Sweater: RTW (Target)

May 3: Weekend + attend school play
Button down dress: self-drafted here
May 4: Bike ride to the farmer's market, then lounge around the house
"Mom on the go" shorts: me made, here
Cami: RTW (probably Nordstrom Rack?)
Cardigan: RTW (Gap)
May 5: Lunch with a friend, lots of sewing
Hubby's shirt: me made, here
Blouse: me made, here (too forever to find that post!)
Cardigan: RTW (no idea!)
Jeans: RTW (Gap)
May 6: Pattern making class
Baby wale dress: me made here
May 7: Sewing, sewing, sewing!
Top: me made here
Capris: RTW (Gap outlet)
May 8: Pattern making class
Dress: Me made here
Cardigan: RTW (Therapy (brick and mortar))
May 9: Volunteering in the classroom (we made pickles!)
Plain Jane dress: Me made here.
(Not visible: Dress bloomers: me made (unblogged!))
There's a sneak peak of something on my ironing board there....

(Sorry, forgot to take a photo, but I just blogged about them, so you've seen enough!)
May 10: Party at a colleague's place
SBCC Manhattan trousers: Me made here.
Sweater: RTW (Ann Taylor Loft)

Some of the items I wear all the time (like the Plain Jane Dress), but others are worn much more rarely, so it's good to dust them off and get some use out of them.   Let's see if I can keep up the streak!  It's a bit hard since much of my handmade wardrobe is dressy enough for teaching, and I'm not at work this quarter.  Looks like I need to bulk up my casual wardrobe a bit!

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